President: Adrian Blount

Diocesan Assembly of Washington, DC

The Episcopal Diocese of Washington comprises the District of Columbia and the Maryland counties of Charles, St. Mary's, Prince George's, and Montgomery. Its principal church is the Cathedral Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, unofficially known as Washington National Cathedral, located in Washington, D.C. 

Within this diocese, there are eighteen chapters of the Daughters of the King. 

Our Anglican Tradition recognizes Episcopal oversight. We believe that Holy Scripture contains all things necessary for salvation. We acknowledge the gift of the Holy Spirit in Baptism, the real presence of our Lord in the Holy Eucharist, and worship according to The Book of Common Prayer (or the standard liturgies of Lutheran, Roman Catholic, or other Anglican churches that sponsor DOK chapters).

Reaffirming the promises made at Baptism and Confirmation, a Daughter pledges herself to a life-long program of prayer, service and evangelism. She receives support in this commitment from a worldwide community of like-minded women.

If you are interested in becoming a Daughter, or would just like more information, please contact The Diocesan Assembly of Washington, DC. We would love you to explore the possibility of a Chapter at your parish!