Prayers During the Nehemiah Prayer Vigil
September 1 - October 22, 2020 

The Prayer of the Order

O Eternal Father, You have sent us Your Son to teach us things pertaining to Your heavenly Kingdom. Give Your blessing to our Order wherever it may be throughout the world. Grant that we, Your Daughters, ever may discern Your truth and bear the cross through the battles of our earthly life. Give us strength to overcome temptation and the grace to work to spread Your Kingdom and to gather Your scattered sheep within Your fold. Pour out upon us the seven-fold gift of the Holy Spirit that we may always remember it is Your work we are called to do, that all we think, do or say may be pleasing in Your sight. We ask it all For His Sake, our King and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Nehemiah’s Prayer, paraphrased from Chapter 1

Lord, I confess the sins we (USA) have committed, including myself and my father's house.

We have acted very wickedly toward
you. We have not obeyed the commands, decrees, and laws you gave your servant Moses.

Oh Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of this your servant and of your servants (DOK) who delight in revering your name.  Amen

Nehemiah was asking to be given favor to go to Jerusalem to see how he could help save the Jews from physical and spiritual danger. The walls of protection were broken down. The Jews were being harmed by pagans, and had forgotten how to worship the Lord God.

Four Points of Prayer, by Sharon Lundgren

·         ●  Repent - of injustice, inequality, hatred, violence and racism

·         ●  Restore - peace, civility, compassion; spiritual, physical and mental health

·         ●  Revive - sense of being one united people - "One Nation Under God”

·         ●  Recommit - to our DOK motto daily - asking the Lord, "What will you have me do today" to bring

              Peace and Healing to our country, giving me the strength and courage to act on your direction.

How to pray for 52 days

A Morning Prayer: Good morning, Lord. This is your day.
I am your child. Show me the way - How shall I pray?

Look at the prayer points - which one is the Lord telling you to focus on each day

If you have a prayer partner, pray with her on the phone or in-person as you are able.

Keep a 52-day prayer journal. In your journal write down what God is asking you to
do. Write down any results or answers to your prayers that you can realize.

If you are called to sit in silence with the Lord, may that be your prayer.



James 4:2-3 “You have not because you ask not or you ask with wrong motives....”
DOK motive - bring Peace and Healing to our nation

Matthew 5:9 “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God.”

Luke 24:45 “He opened their mind to an understanding of the scriptures.”

Romans 8:26 “The Spirit intercedes for us with sighs and groanings too deep for us to understand.”

Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God.”

Nehemiah Prayer Litany by Nancy Severin

Intimate and loving God, we assemble across this nation in our homes hedged in by saints seen and unseen, to join voices and heartbeat – to witness to the power of Your Light and Truth. Breathe into us the holy expectation of Your longing, inspiring our commitment to Your Word.

Here is my life. Here is my holy intention.

Like Nehemiah awakened, open my eyes and heart to fully see the reality in front of me.

I confess my sleeping complicity, O Lord. Grant me the inward grace to see.

Like Nehemiah awakened, give me insight to know the path before me.

I repent of my indolence O Lord. Show me what stones need to be moved in my life.

Like Nehemiah awakened, grant me the strength to challenge my thoughts and assumptions of injustice and inequality.

I repent of my partialities O Lord. Cleanse me from my hardness of heart.

Like Nehemiah awakened, stir me from my silences when hatred, racism and violence leave me speechless.

I repent of my timidity in the face of cruelty, O Lord. By confession, strengthen me for the task ahead.

I acknowledge my personal responsibility and I pray for a reordering of my life. May the Truth of the Gospel transform my life.

Like Nehemiah empowered, may I stand in the breech between crumbling wall and foundational faith, holding civility and compassion in outstretched arms.

Restore this holy work O Lord. May I make the place where I live “the city of God.”

Like Nehemiah empowered, may I attempt to do good work for the greatest number of people.

Restore a fullness of trust in my heart, O Lord. May I turn from those who engender opposition to Your Word.

Like Nehemiah empowered, fill my sleeping spirits with unceasing desire for spiritual, physical and mental healing.

Restore new life in the barren and hungry places of my life, O Lord. May Your Holy Spirit breathe deep and long in me.

Like Nehemiah empowered, free me from doubt and fear as I meditate on Your Word with Ezra fervor and commitment.

Restore within me an empathetic spirit O Lord. May I lead with compassion and mercy in my every conversation.

I acknowledge my hesitancy in stepping out and I pray for a life of conviction. I will start rebuilding – the God of heaven will give me success.

Like Nehemiah on fire, reignite Your Spirit within me that calls up Ezra perseverance and determination.

Revive my soul O Lord. May Scripture become the Living Word in every moment.

Like Nehemiah on fire, gather me in! Joining with my sisters bind us together in a united voice of love.

Revive my heart O Lord. May I sing Your praises and follow Your ways.

Like Nehemiah on fire, encourage Your Daughters to live fully in God’s grace, keeping the Sabbath Holy and seeking rest that heals the soul.

Revive my very being O Lord. May I uplift this country to Your Providence asking that You cover us in peace and protection.

Like Nehemiah on fire, open the gates of heaven and unleash the power of Your righteousness – sheltering me – delivering me from all evil intent.

Revive and guard my thoughts O Lord. May I encircle my being with prayer - hedged, protected and loved. Impenetrable.

I acknowledge that our nation is at a crossroad. It is upon me to proclaim that it is the road to the cross - the only road to salvation. But equally yoked spiritually we travel the narrow Way together.

As Daughters of the King, we turn to our vows made before You and our families of faith, recalling the claim they had on our hearts when we first uttered them. Vows to put You first in our lives.

We recommit ourselves to love You with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our mind, and with all our strength, and to love our neighbors as ourselves.

As Daughters of the King, we entrust the healing of our country to You as we lay our prayers daily before You. We trust that this deep prayer will lead us to serve boldly or quietly as You so deem.

We commit ourselves to a Vigil of Prayer spanning 52 days, believing that the power of prayer cannot be contained or thwarted.

As Daughters of the King, we ask in the name of Jesus to expand our hearts and purify our intents and desires. We consent to letting go of outcome, trusting in Your supreme goodness. We are Your faithful remnant.

We recommit to live out our motto asking, “Lord, what will You have me do?” For there has never been a time that a Daughter has asked, “What can one person do?”

In Jesus’ name and For His Sake, AMEN.


The Motto of the Order 
                                                   For His Sake...I am but one, but I am one.
                                                   I cannot do everything, but I can do something.
                                                   What I can do, I ought to do.
                                                   What I ought to do, by the grace of God I will do.
                                                    Lord, what will you have me do?